Nedelja 18 Avgust - Četrtek 22 Avgust 2024
Empire Dance Camp je edini plesni tabor za plesalce vseh starosti, kjer si želiš preživeti svoje poletje.
Izjemna lokacija v Ljubljani omogoča, da mladoletni plesalci bivajo v urejenem, čistem in varnem bivalnem kompleksu DDB Bežigrad, ki je od lokacije tabora oddaljen le 2 minuti vožnje. Ob podpori mestne občine Ljubljana, je udeležencem zagotovljena varna pot lokacije dogodka, ki je peš oddaljena 10 minut.
Bivanje plesalcev starejših od 18 let je ločeno in ni vključeno v paket Master Class Experience.
V sklopu EDC se udeleženci obeh programov po lastni izbiri lahko udeležijo organiziranih plesnih delavnic s priznanimi domačim in tujimi trenerji v veliki dvorani MEDIA CENTRA.
Festivalsko vzdušje dopolnjujejo večerni dogodki, kot so kino večer, zabave, koncerti in plesne bitke.
Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori o Empire Dance Camp, ki ti bodo pomagala pri izboru tvojega paketa in olajšala potovanje ter pakiranje potovalke.
What's the age limit for the camp?You can attend the camp's regular program if you are more than 8 years old but under 18 years old. If you are an adult (+18) you can only attend the Master Class Experience program.
Which dance styles will I learn at EDC?Empire Dance Camp hosts teachers which teach different dance styles such as Hip Hop, Urban, House, Reggeaton, Jazz and Contemporary.
Do I need to be an experienced dancer or is the camp suitable for begginers?We recommend EDC to dancers who have been learning dance styles for at least 1 year All classes of the regular program are suitable for youngesters. If you wish to push yourself further you can try our "Master class experience" where workshops are more intense. Master Class Experience is also intended for adult dancers.
Does the camp offer accommodation and meals?Full out and Smash it packages (except Exclusive and Standard) include all inclusive accommodation with 3 meals per day. All rooms have 2-3 beds and own bathroom. When filling out the registration for you can let us know with who you want to share the room with and which type of meals do you preffer (classic, vegeterian, gluten or lactose free). If you are an adukt dancer attending the Master Class Experience program we suggest you book your accomodation with HOSTEL Bežigrad.
Can I share my room with friends?Of course! All rooms have 2-3 beds. When you fill out the registration form you can let us know which friends you want in your room (aplies for students of Full out and Smash it packages).
Do I need my own towel and bed sheets?All you need is a towel for the pool. Everything else is provided by the accommodation center.
What if I don't want to attend a particular class?No problem! You can chill in your room or enjoy the beautiful outdoors or visit the EDC party and fun park. Our guardians will always look after you so that you will have fun even if you are not attending a particular class.
What is Master Class Experience?Master Class Experience is a new addition to the camp. It is intended for everyone who wishes to take their dance to another level. Every day there will be master classes with differenet international dance teachers. In total this means 11 additional classes to our 14 regular classes. Master Class Experience is an open program which means adult dancers can also take classes.